Tim Janßen
Tim Janßen is Executive Director and Co-Founder of Cradle to Cradle NGO. He majored in Business, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Leadership at Leuphana University Lüneburg and Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW). In 2012, he co-founded Cradle to Cradle NGO (C2C NGO) with Nora Sophie Griefahn. C2C NGO connects the fields of business, education, politics, and civil society by creating networking platforms and educational formats. In 2019, the NGO established the C2C LAB in Berlin: the world’s first renovation in an existing building based on Cradle to Cradle criteria. Serving as an educational center, NGO head office, and real-world laboratory, it is here where the C2C school of thought and design concept become reality.
As Co-Executive Director, Tim develops strategies to maximize the organization’s impact on society and actively shapes the growth of this young, ever-growing movement. He is a sought-after expert for Cradle to Cradle, Circular Economy and Social Entrepreneurship. He regularly holds keynotes and partakes as panelist at national and international conferences. Furthermore, Tim is a lecturer at DHBW, Leuphana University Lüneburg and TU Berlin.