Event recap
24 - 25 March 2024SugarFactory, Amsterdam

Reflecting on our participation at Kingpins Amsterdam 2024

We are thrilled to share the highlights of our recent participation at Kingpins Amsterdam 2024, a premier event for the denim industry. This year, we proudly showcased our innovations on Level Green at Stand S, featuring a range of our Cradle to Cradle Certified® denim products.
Reflecting on our participation at Kingpins Amsterdam 2024

Highlights from Our Stand

Our stand was a hub of activity as visitors explored our exclusive collection of Cradle to Cradle Certified® denim. Each piece showcased the pinnacle of sustainable fabric manufacturing, embodying our commitment to environmentally safe and socially responsible production. The positive response from attendees reaffirmed our belief in the importance of sustainable practices in the fashion industry.

In-Depth Discussions on Cradle to Cradle Certified® Certification

Our knowledgeable team engaged with numerous visitors, explaining the comprehensive benefits of Cradle to Cradle Certification®. We delved into the five categories that these products are evaluated on: material health, material reutilization, renewable energy and carbon management, water stewardship, and social fairness. These discussions highlighted how our certified products not only meet but exceed stringent sustainability standards.

Adding Value to Your Company

Visitors were particularly interested in how Cradle to Cradle Certified® materials could enhance their sustainability credentials and appeal to eco-conscious consumers. Our team provided insights into the competitive advantages of adopting sustainable practices, from boosting brand loyalty to expanding market share. It was inspiring to see so many industry leaders keen to incorporate these values into their business models.

The Event Experience

Kingpins Amsterdam 2024 proved to be an enlightening and dynamic experience for all who attended. The event provided an excellent platform for networking, knowledge exchange, and exploring the latest trends in eco-friendly denim. Our stand on Level Green was buzzing with energy as we welcomed attendees eager to learn about sustainable denim solutions.